Sunday, January 29, 2012

Second Chance: Violent Femmes

I've been listening to Baltimore folk-punk band Paul Newman and the Ride Home, lately, and while they don't entirely sound like Violent Femmes, their mutual acoustic sound and attitude made me decide to give the Femmes another shot. I can't remember when I got rid of my Violent Femmes collection. Probably back in high school. But anyway, the point is: "Blister in the Sun" is still a super-sweet song, and they do a killer cover of "Crazy" by Gnarls Barkley:


  1. I'm guessing you're aware of the GB cover of 'Gone Daddy Gone'? Its a little too verbatim to be exciting as a cover - for my tastes - but it was kind of a cool trade-off.

    If it was a contest I'd definitely give the win to the Violent Femmes, both for better cover and better version of Gone Daddy Gone.

  2. I was not! But I will definitely look it up!
